Bowyer Family Memorial Trust - Supporting agriculture into the future | UK Registered Charity 900615 | (01398) 361834

Recipients - Jess

April 2021 Update

Dear Maureen and Trustees,

I would like to thank The Bowyer Family Memorial Trust for the £1,000 towards my tuition fees for my final year Top-up BSc Honours degree in Agricultural Management at The Royal Agricultural University.

I moved back to Hampshire last August from my placement year in Cumbia on The McDonalds Progressive Young Farmer Programme where I worked at The Lakes Free Range Egg Company. I started my final year at University in October, it has been a strange year as all lectures have mainly been online and I have only been to Cirencester a few times, but I have enjoyed learning the content and completing assignments and my dissertation which is due on the 12th May, focusing on consumer and stakeholder attitudes and perceptions of game meat including pheasant, partridge and venison. I have found it very interesting comparing my results to stakeholders within the game industry. I have also been creating a three-year comprehensive business plan for a farm in Cirencester as part of my Integrated Farm Project module which I have found slightly challenging, but it has been putting my all knowledge over the years into one piece of coursework, which I hope it do well with.

In March I went lambing for Biddesden Estate where we lambed over 1,000 North Country Mules inside. This was great as it gave me a break and fresh air from being inside with my laptop all day. I am still involved with Berkshire Young Farmers and currently Newbury YFC Chairwomen and on the county Executive committee as well as my final year on the National Youth Forum Steering Group. Obviously with COVID 19 we have not had very many face to face meetings but we have continued meeting on Zoom every other Wednesday and we also have Berkshire Preshow on Zoom on Sunday 25th April where we will try to do online stock judging...! I had planned to go to Peru last August on NFYFC travel, but this was postponed and has again for this year, so fingers crossed for August 2022. I was also hoping to travel to New Zealand after I had completed my studies but due to COVID 19 I will plan this for another time.

Finally, I am thrilled to confirm I have accepted a job as Field Person at The Lakes Free Range Egg Company in Cumbria where I completed my placement. I will be moving back at the start of June so currently looking for somewhere to rent until I have settled in. While I was on placement, I enjoyed climbing fells and completing Wainwrights with Summit Good walking group so looking forward to that, as well as re-joining Penrith YFC and perhaps become a Unit helper again for Greystoke Brownies and Guides.

Once again thank you for your continued financial support during my agricultural studies.

I am looking forward to my career and future ahead.

Yours Sincerely,

Placement Year Update

My placement year is now coming to an end which I am sad about as I have settled and enjoyed working for the company.

I have my place confirmed at The Royal Agricultural University for my Top-up degree to BSc in Agricultural Management for September.

My career aspiration is to still become an auditor working for DEFRA or NSF but my interest has now extended to supply chain and traceability, I am looking forward to finding a job which I will enjoy.

Once again I would like to thank the Bowyer Family Memorial Trust for their continued financial support for me throughout my agricultural studies.

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